Man is a spirit, he has a mind or soul and lives in a body. This truth has radically changed the way I perceive everything!. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 King James Version (KJV)23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto theRead More
Begat by the Word, born of God
And now “THE BEGATS” make sense to me! Have you ever wondered why “ the begats” are listed in scripture? Well, for the sake of record purposes of course, but then, recently something happened when I read those scriptures, the word “BEGAT” jumped out at me like never before! Look at this; Matthew 1:2 AbrahamRead More
Our Identity in Christ
The last year has been a year of finding out who I really am. It’s not that I have not always known who I am, but it is more like when Paul said in Galatians 4:1 Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, thoughRead More
My Story
Where it started. In a span of 1 week, I heard 3 times, the first in my spirit, confirmed twice after, 2nd time while listening to a message and 3rd when I went to a friend’s church. On all occasions there was an emphasis on Telling Your Story. Tell what God did. I needed toRead More
Our Inheritance As The Seed Of Abraham
Dear reader, if you are born again and in Christ, glory to God, you are the SEED OF ABRAHAM!! I have always heard reference to this right from my childhood when we sang songs like, “Abraham’s blessings are mine”, “father Abraham had many sons, many sons had father Abraham, I am one of them andRead More
Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Round 1!!!!
Hey, it is not just round 1 but the only round actually! This life I live, I live now. I will and I must take hold of everything Jesus paid for on the cross. I will not live less than my call. It is easy for me to just live “normally” but I do notRead More
Remembering God’s Goodness
He kept my baby Do you know there are things God has done which are incredible and somehow we have forgotten them and just moved on with life. Do you agree that most people tend to dwell for longer periods mourning over loss but rejoice only too briefly when great things have happened. God commandedRead More
She Believed The Promises of God
Hello, (The following happened on the 11th of April 2018…. ) This morning I came back from a night shift feeling very low. A lot had happened over the last few days and I had begun to ask myself questions. I have believed the word of God for specific promises on healing, wealth and salvation forRead More
The Word Our Food
The Word is Food to Us, Lets Dig In… The word of God is food to our born again Spirit! The word of God is life to us as sons and daughters of God! How long have you gone without food? It is not a pleasant experience especially if this is not intentional. You would beRead More
The Creative Power Of Words
Hello, I would like to share with you somethings I’ve been meditating on. It’s a long read, but I hope you get to the end. If you get this, it would forever revolutionize your life! Sound energy is a form of energy associated with the vibration of matter. It is a mechanical wave and as suchRead More